Home Workout Series #2

For this workout let's up the intensity! This workout is sure to get you sweaty fast and burning lots of calories. The key to this workout is to get through the entire set before resting. You will be out of breathe but each rest period will feel so good after completing the entire set. For this workout, I recommend getting through 3-5 sets. Time to get SWEATY!

Home Workout 2
Push Up & Reach x 4-8/side
Jump Lunges x 15-20/side
Plank Triceps Touches x 30-40/side
Full Burpee x 8-10
Jump Squats x 15-20

To make this workout out more of a challenge, you can add small dumbbells to the jump lunges & jump squats. Your quads will be burning...insert semi-evil laugh here. **Remember, if you need to break this up into pieces, you will still get a great workout for the day!

Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama

Rockledge Rumble Race Recap

Yes, I was having this much fun the whole time!

This is the second year that I have participated in the Rockledge Rumble. I absolutely love the race directors and all the volunteers that come out to help racers get to the finish line. It is a huge party from start to finish. 

Last year I ran the 50k and was signed up for it again this year but decided after Palo Duro to drop to a short distance and work on my speed for once. I knew it was not going to be easier since I was specifically going out with a win in my mind. That was my goal and I knew it was going to be tough. 

Leading up to this year's race, I knew I needed to get a good feel for what my pace could be on this particular trail. So at least once per week I would go out and just see how fast I could run the course. It was actually a lot of fun. With all the miles I had been running recently and the long races, this was a big change. 

To be honest I was not 100% confident gong into race day. There are so many great runners in this city and I knew that I would have my work cut out for me. The first, almost, half mile of the course is on pavement and I knew if I could get out in front before going into the woods, I would be in a good spot. Well, the race started and I didn't realize that there were about five women in front of me. I worked my way up but wasn't able to get into the first spot before going into the woods. The trail narrows down to single track pretty fast and so passing has to be in the right spot. I had moved up to the second place spot and was right on the tail of the woman in front of me. She seemed to be running easy but I soon realized that she was not going to let me pass her without a little bit of a fight. She was going at a great pace, I was feeling good, so I decided to settle in with her for a mile or so. As soon as she slowed a little, I was able to get around her and just go. All I could think of for the rest of the run was that she was right behind me. 

Thankfully, there was a man that stayed with me and seemed to help me push the pace a little as well. Every runner that we passed, (all from the longer distances that started before us) he would greet them and ask how they were doing. I was sure he was going to leave me in the dust but he never did. Actually there was a point, I think on the last hill climb, that he slowed down. I yelled back to him to stay with me. And there he was. It was the perfect person to be with on the course. We kept each other going and sort of fed off each other. 

I came back out of the woods with less than a half mile to go. It was time to get to that finish line. Out along the rockledges and back onto the pavement, then along the lake shore and finally up a (steep) flight of stairs lined with American flags. 

I had made it happen. I finished just on the time I knew I needed to get and in first place. I was so excited and so tired. Goal accomplished!

To anyone, that wants to try their first trail race, first ultra or even the seasoned trail runner, this race has everything I love about trail running. You get great undulations of terrain, there is a distance for everyone and the course is challenging. The race directors are amazing and the volunteers are top notch. 
Race Director, Chris Barnwell, & I after the race.

Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama

If you want more information about the Rockledge Rumble, check out their site here !

Home Workout Series

"Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don't shoot their husbands, they just don't." -Elle Woods, Legally Blonde

This is the first of my Home Workout Series! Whether you are a stay at home mama or a working mama, it is key for you to have quality workouts that can be done all at once or spread out throughout the day. Remember that a few small ten minute workouts add up to a big one. I can't stress enough how important it is to take care of yourself so that you can be the best mama, wife and woman possible. Endorphins do a body good!

Over the next few weeks you will be seeing workouts that can be done at home and even broken up into segments if you are strapped for time. 

For this workout you will need a few basics pieces of equipment, some of which can be improvised with other things around the house. If you are just starting out, you can start with lighter weights like I have shown in the video and as you get stronger, increase the load. For each of the exercises, you will see the number of repetitions that should be completed. I recommend completing the entire circuit 3-5 times. Lets get our SWEAT ON! 

For me, I love to put a little extra focus on my booty, 'cause let's be honest, who doesn't love a good butt. So in my series of workouts you will see a good amount of booty focus to keep that booty lookin' its best 💕

Home Workout 1

I hope you enjoy this workout and I am excited to show share more with you in the next few weeks! I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!

💜Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama 💜

My Race Day Must Haves

Every runner has their own list of "Must Haves" for races. There is a specific list of what we must use leading up to our race and what we must have come race day. Since joining the ultra marathon community, I have gotten my list down. I started off using a few of my own things and then winging it with aid station goodies. That never went well for me; I would end up feeling like crap or bonking. Once I started figuring out what "really" worked for me and my body come race day, I was set. Now I am able to glide through aid stations without spending extra time there. I drop my trash and grab what I need out of my drop bag and go. Here are the things that are always in my drop bag and on me out on the trails. Some are very common and my number eight item in particular is not. In fact I get lots of laughs every time I tell someone it is a must have in my pack. 

My Race Day Must Haves

1. Honey Stinger Organic Gluten Free Waffles

These waffles are so yummy! My friend Neil introduced me to them last year at my first ultra. He had extras in his drop bag and I was starting to hit a wall. They are about the only thing that I can actually chew without it bothering my stomach. This is my favorite flavor but I have also tried the lemon and vanilla & chocolate flavored waffles as well. I'm just OBSESSED with anything salted caramel...haha

2. Salt Stick Caps

SaltStick caps are the easiest way for me to keep my electrolytes balance in check and for me to know exactly how much I am taking in. I typically will take one before the start of a race and then one every hour after that. If it is really hot out I alter this a bit since I am sweating more. Usually I will start taking two caps/ hour after 5 hours in. 

3. Hammer Nutrition Gels

Hammer Nutrition Gels saved me this last 50 miler. I had used them on and off but never really was convinced that the needed to be in my pack until a few weeks ago. My head was getting foggy and my mindset was beginning to spiral into a negative place. I knew I needed something different than what I was taking in. I was out on my third loop and reached into my pack and pulled out this flavor. I took it in and literally about 5-10 minutes later I felt like a new person. Our brains function best on glucose and clearly I was running super low. 

4. Skin Glide for Her

This stuff is awesome. I ran a race recently and ended up with some really severe chaffing all over my body. It was mostly on my abdomen from the pack that I was using and had adjusted it wrong and it chaffed the heck out of my stomach. I would show you a pic but it is not pretty. For my 50 miler that I just completed, I rubbed this stuff in all the places that could potentially have rubbing and I finished with NO chaffing! The make large sticks and to-go ones that fit right in your pack. 

5. Hydration Pack- I'm not sold on a certain brand as of yet. I'm still testing out a few options but know that I would not get through a race without my hydration pack. I have so many friends who are able to use hand-helds but I like having my hands free and being able to carry the nutrition that works for me is a must, too.  Right now I'm torn between Orange Mud Hydration Packs and Nathan Sports Hydration Packs. Do you have a brand that you recommend over the other? I'd love to hear from you!

UPDATE: Orange Mud 1L Gear Vest for the win!! I am absolutely in love with this vest. You can't even tell you have it on. It has so much storage and has proven to be perfect for my races. Thank you Orange Mud for making this amazing vest!!

6. Altra Running Shoes
These shoes are like running on clouds! They have the perfect traction for the trails yet offer amazing comfort for those long runs. Last year I switched permanently to Altra running shoes. I have the Torin, Paradigm and Olympus styles and love all of them. If you are thinking about switching to a zero drop shoe this is your brand! Start with a higher cushioned style to make your transition smoother and then go from there. Your feet will thank you. Toes get the full splay that they crave and need and your foot works like it was always meant to. It is a win win! 

7. Injinji Socks

Injinji has made socks that keep my feet blister free for 50 miles! After Palo Duro Canyon, I took my socks off to find dry, blister free feet. You need to follow the care instructions to keep these socks working perfectly for you but they are worth every penny. When I first tried these awesome socks, I thought it would take some time to get used to them but it took no time at all. My feet are so happy in these socks and it actually now feels weird when I have to wear a traditional pair of socks.

8. Baby Food Packets
      I know this may seem odd but I love baby food packets for part of my race nutrition. They are clean and have just the right stuff that I need, are easy to carry and there is no need to chew it ....WIN all around! The two pictures above are my two favorite flavors and can be purchased at at most grocery stores. 


It takes time to figure out what works for you on a long run or during a race. Take time to try new things and listen to what your body tells you about each of those things. Take notes and come race day you will be racing your best and feeling your best! I'd love to hear what works for you and am even open to try something new. Have a great week!

-Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama

P.S. You can click on a few of the products to buy them directly from rei.com. I am an affiliate with them and do receive a commission from purchases made from my site. Thank you for your support!

Palo Duro Canyon Trail Race Recap

The 1st of 4 loops. Photo credit: Bryan McKenney

         Really I don't know how I am going to put into words what this race was for me. I was tested both mentally and physically in so many ways. The fact that I completed a 50 mile race is still blowing my mind as I am writing this. 
         Palo Duro Canyon State Park is one of the most beautiful places to go visit. It is the second largest canyon in the United States, next to the Grand Canyon. This place was stunning. Located about six hours north west of Dallas, it was well worth the drive for this awesome race. The scenery alone was breathtaking. Now since I was running and focusing on getting one foot in front of the other, I was not paying too much attention to it during the race. 
For me, this race started just like another one. I woke up, drank my protein shake, made my coffee and packed my banana for the ride to the start line. Once I dropped my bag next to the Dallas Dirt Runners area, I found my friend Nick, who I wanted to run with. We moved closer to the front of the pack and were off at exactly 7AM. I had forgotten my headlamp and was banking on staying close with others so I could see. It worked but I really should've had a headlamp. 
       The first loop came and went pretty fast. Nick and I set up our main crewing area at the Lighthouse aid station. This was at mile 4ish and 10ish of each loop. Nick's wife (who by the way is AMAZING) was our main support besides the aid stations. My hubby and daughter popped in at a few points but keeping a 2 year old occupied during a race is tough so they were out exploring and hitting nap time during most of the race. 
        The second loop was a little tougher but I was still able to stay on a good pace. I was getting a feel for where I needed to hike some hills and where I could pick up or keep the pace. The sun was out and it was beginning to heat up a bit. Nick and I were basically taking turns feeling good and bad. By the end of the second loop and into the first half of the third loop, I was beginning to feel my hips get really tight. I've had this happen before and figured out it is the result of rolling hills. It was tough to work out but managed to finish the third loop about twenty minutes behind where I had wanted to be. With one loop left, I was tired but more than eager to get to the finish line. I saw my husband and daughter at mile 41ish. This was exactly what I needed to make it through the last 9 miles. He gave me the pep talk I needed and my daughter said "go mama go" and gave me a huge hug and kiss. Knowing that they would be waiting for me at the finish line gave me all the push I needed to keep moving forward as fast as I could. The tightness in my hips hadn't gone away but I was able to work through it and keep moving. Thankfully I was able to zone out the last few miles and just focus on being the finish line. As soon as I came off the trail and headed toward the finish, I was taken over with emotions that I had done it. I set this big goal and was steps from making it complete. I saw my husband and daughter and crossed that finish line to get to them.  

At the finish line! Photo Credit: Sunny Polito

          From the scenery to the community of runners at this race, should put this one on your list of trail runs to complete. The aid stations are full of everything you need plus some (they had chocolate covered bacon!) and the volunteers are truly there to help you get to the finish line. They have a 20k (1 loop), 50k (2.5 loops) & the 50M (4 loops), so grab your friends and make some lasting memories together. www.palodurotrailrun.com

~Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama

Sipping coffee, watching the sunrise the morning after.


     As we all know, this time of year can wreck havoc on fitness goals. So many parties to go to, holiday events and not to mention all the sweet treats that are conveniently in mass surplus EVERYWHERE. Regardless of whether I am traveling to Austin or Michigan for the holidays, I love having a quick go to workout that can be done anywhere and with minimal equipment or even improvised equipment (i.e. towels instead of gliders or adding kids as weight).                          This year we are traveling to Michigan to see my side of the family. I thankfully like to run in the cold but want to be able to have an inside workout to do especially if I can get my sisters to jump in with me. 
    This workout can be done all at once or in pieces throughout the day. It is easy, will get your heart pumping and help keep you in check during the holidays.

The Do Anywhere Workout

 Around the World Lunges x 10-12/side
 Push Ups x AMAP (as many as possible)
 Glider/Towel Plank Cross Overs x 20-30/side
 Pop Squats OR Banded Pop Squats x 15-20
 Incline Triceps Push Ups x AMAP
 Froggers x 20-30


** To step it up to the next level you can add weights/ bands to the lower body exercises 💪

Go get your sweat on!

Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama

Rough Creek Trail Run Race Recap

Rough Creek Trail Run Race Recap

     As many of you know, I just finished my first 40 miler on the 23rd of September. Whether you are running your first trail race or your 50th, the Rough Creek Trail Run, which is hosted by Active Joe, is a great race to do. This is the second year that I have participated in this race and can't wait to run it again next year.
     The race is on the Rough Creek Lodge property in Glen Rose, TX, about 2 hours from Dallas. There is a distance for everyone and even a fun run for kids. If you want to get your feet wet in the world of trail running and experience part of the challenging terrain, the 10k is your race. Then there are two middle distances, the half & full marathons, 1 loop and 2 loops respectively.  Lastly, is the challenging 40 miler race. It is 3 loops of the tough, rugged terrain but was oh so much fun. 
My love for this race started last year when I decided to enter the half marathon. I had run a few trail races before this one but not with this challenging of terrain. Needless to say, my experience was a good one. I walked away with a first place female finish & fast forward a year later, I conquered the 40 miler! 

     Leading up to this race, I was so nervous about the distance. I was getting in the mileage that I needed to and following the plan I had laid out. The morning of the race, I was surprisingly relaxed. I got out to the race sight, checked in, said hello to a few racers and headed back to my car to get my drop bag and chair set up close to the start line. My friend, Nick, was running the marathon distance and so we would be starting together which made me feel more at ease. Once the race was under way, I settled into an easy pace. About three miles in, you start the first side of the infamous "rusty crown".  You will find steep up & down hills with loose gravel. Then you came upon the "bowl" where you get to get relief & some easy miles before hitting the other side of the "rusty crown". The first loop seemed to go smoothly. Getting in the fluids and nutrition that I had planned for and feeling good. It took two hours and twenty-four minutes, I changed socks, dropped trash, refilled my hydration pack and grabbed my nutrition for the next loop and was off. Since there is not much coverage from trees on this course and the temperatures were going to be in the mid- nineties, I decided to fill my bandana with ice to go around my neck at the next aid station before hitting the "rusty crown". This made such a huge difference. I could feel the heat and having ice on my neck and down my sports bra (ladies this was amazing) got me to the next aid station feeling great. A hot spot of was beginning to form on the left ball of my foot at about mile twenty. I was worried about it getting worse but knew that once I finished this loop I could take care of it with my foot kit. Only once I did try to fix it, my foot kit was nowhere to be found in my bag. To this day I still have not found it...haha. I remember making it and placing it in my bag but poof it was gone. Bad luck. I slid on a fresh pair of socks and prayed it would just pop itself and I would get a little relief. That never happened. The third loop was harder, but my body was feeling great overall. After all the racers coming through multiple times, the climbs became a little tougher and the down hills were like sliding down a slide. The gravel was very loose at this point but I just kept telling myself to get down or up and over so that I could begin to jog again.  As soon as I hit the last aid station with 2.6ish miles to go, nothing could stop me from getting to the finish line. I loaded up my bandana with ice and was off. Not jogging but running. I knew these last few miles were relatively flat and that I just wanted to cross that finish line. I crossed the finish line in 9:01:05. It was two minutes over my goal of a sub-nine hour finish but I was able to pull off a first female finish. I was so happy. 

     All in all, this particular race is great because of the people that host it and the volunteers manning the aid stations. The first aid station from the start/finish line could be heard from a far. I would be climbing and descending hills and hear hoots and hollers as runners would come down the final hill into their aid station before heading back to the start/finish line. It gave you a little extra push to try to get to them a little quicker. They gave words of encouragement and helped you get back out on the course quickly. The guys manning the "bowl aid station" or the half way point of each loop, were also amazing. They greeted me by name (yes, it was on my bib, a perk of early registration) and again gave me words of encouragement and helped me efficiently get back on the course. Cheering you on as you left their aid station. I couldn't have asked for anymore. 
     Again, if you are looking for a great trail run that is challenging and not too far from DFW, I hope you will give this one a try. Be sure to register early though, as all distances sell out fast. 

Hope y'all have a great day! Stay active!

Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama

Next up, Palo Dura Canyon 50 miler on October 21st!

Warm Kale Arugula Spinach & Quinoa Salad with Homemade Lemon Vinaigrette

Kale, Arugula, Spinach & Quinoa Salad with Homemade Lemon Vinaigrette
Lemon Vinaigrette:
Juice from 2 large lemons (about 1/2c)
1/3 c Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tsp dried oregano
3 garlic cloves
Stevia to taste (I used just a small squirt, I like mine less sweet. Be sure to taste it as you add)
Salt & pepper to taste 

***Blend all ingredients in a blender in high until a creamy yellow color. 

Three stalks organic Kale, remove stems and chop
1/2 tsp olive oil (to massage Kale with)
Organic Arugula Spinach Mix, 2 large handfuls
1/4 dried cherries, chopped
1/2 avocado, chunked
3/4 cup cooked quinoa per package instructions (I cooked mine in bone broth)
Optional: 1-2 tbsp feta cheese or goat cheese on top
***Add chopped Kale and olive oil to large bowl and gentle massage Kale(this helps to soften it). Add in Arugula Spinach mix and quinoa and toss together. Add cherries, avocado and about 1/2 the lemon vinaigrette and gently mix. Serve and Enjoy!!  Makes 2 servings

This goes great as a side dish OR I like to just add my grilled chicken or salmon to the top :)

I want to know what you think of this recipe! Please leave your comments :)
~Blissfully Fit Mama

Welcome Message

Welcome to Blissfully Fit Mama! 

      Thank you for joining me on this journey through the mamahood and how staying active, getting the body you want and being the BEST YOU, IS POSSIBLE! 

      Being a mama requires you to be selfless 24/7. Before I had my daughter, I felt like I was "living the life". A great career at the top health & fitness club in the world, a promotion to a top level coach just around the corner and getting paid to keep people healthy & fit. 
      I have been in the health & fitness industry for over 15 years and was a L&D nurse for 6 years (Nurse in the Army). During those early years, I never could have imagined how my life was going to be change as soon as they placed my sweet baby into my arms. Once I felt those tiny kicks inside my belly, life as I knew it was changed FOREVER.
       Being a mama is tough work. Being a mama, having a job (workforce or stay at home) and trying to stay fit, is even harder. I want to bring you the good, the bad & the ugly sides of this journey to being the best mama I can be. I want to create community for YOU to join arms with me and to lift each other up. Share what we are going through. How it has changed us. And how we found our way back redefining the NEW (insert name) YOU!
        My hope it to bring you real life stories and be as transparent as possible on this this journey through balancing the mamahood and my passion for everything running, fitness, & nutrition. More fun stuff COMING SOON!
Samantha, The Blissfully Fit Mama

Roasted Spaghetti Squash with Homemade Chicken Meatballs & Sauce


It is that time of year when I start making all my comfort foods. This dish is sure to please everyone in the family, not to mention get them extra veggies that they won't even know are in there...insert evil mama laugh here.
I grew up eating spaghetti. My grandma (Nonna) on my mom's side was 100% Italian. No matter what day of the week it was or time of the year, you could always be sure to eat spaghetti when you were at her house. As I got older, my love for the actual spaghetti noodles began to fade. I hated how heavy they made me feel. It took me while to perfect the cooking of a spaghetti squash, but when your husband and little one keep asking for more, you know you nailed it.  I hope you enjoy this dish as much as my family and I do!

The Squash:
Preheat oven to 450 degrees. Remove sticker from squash and place in microwave for 5 minutes (this softens the squash enough to be able to cut through it easier). Remove squash with oven mit and cut in half with a sharp knife. Remove seeds and squash flesh side down on a baking sheet. Add 1/4 c water to the baking sheet and place in center of oven. Bake for 45 minutes or until squash is soft. Time to make the sauce & meat balls! 

The Meatballs:
1 lb organic ground chicken breast
1/4 c almond flour
2 tbsp Italian seasoning
1/2 tsp pink Himalayan salt
1/2 c whilted chopped spinach
1 egg

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper as set aside. In a medium bowl combine almond flour, Italian seasoning, salt, and spinach. Blend well. Add in egg and mix well. then add in ground chicken and mix well. Form 1.5 inch thick meat balls and place about 1 inch apart on baking sheet. When squash has 10 minutes left in oven, place meatballs in oven and cook both together.  They will be about 80% cooked at this point... don't worry, they will finish cooking in the sauce.

The Sauce:
2-8oz cans organic fire roasted tomatoes
1-2oz can organic tomato paste
10 fresh basil leaves, 6 leaves and 4 thin chopped
2 cups steamed broccoli
2 tbsp Italian seasoning
1 tbsp oregano seasoning
1/2 onion-chopped
4 tbsp grass-fed butter
6 oz grated mozzarella cheese

In a large oven safe sauce pan, melt butter on medium high heat. Add onion and cook until clear. Mix in seasonings and remove from heat. In a high speed blender (I use a Vitamix), add roasted tomatoes, paste, 6 basil leaves, broccoli and onion mixture. Blend until smooth. Return to sauce pan and bring to a simmer. Once meatballs are done, remove from baking sheet and add to sauce pan. Cover with sauce and then add mozzarella to the top. Place in center of oven and cook for 10 minutes. If you want more of a broiled cheese on top, you can bake it for 6 minutes and then broil for the last 4 minutes. Carefully remove from oven with an oven mitt. Add chopped basil to the top & let stand for about 5-10 minutes. During that time you can portion out the squash onto a plate or in bowls (we like to eat ours out of a bowl). ENJOY!

~Samantha, Blissfully Fit Mama

Almond Flour Almond Butter Cookies

I love cookies & I love almond butter. A cookie can be the perfect sweet treat. What I don't like is the guilt I feel after eating an over processed cookie that may or may not make me feel awful. After some making some tweaks to my recipe, I feel I have found a great replacement for the store bought chewy cookie that is easy to make and is full of good for you ingredients. I hope you love these cookies as much as I and my family do! They are easy to make and you can use either almond butter or the standard peanut butter to stay with the classic PB cookie taste. FYI....you may eat the whole batch....they are that good. Enjoy 😊

Almond Flour Almond Butter Cookies
(Gluten Free)

  • 1/2 c Almond Butter (or nut butter of choice)
  • 2/3 c Almond Flour
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/8 tsp Himalayan Pink Salt
  • 1 1/2 TBSP Raw Honey
  • 2 Egg Whites
  • 1 tsp Baking Soda

  • Preheat oven to 350*. 
  • In a medium bowl mixed all ingredients together. 
  • On a large baking sheet covered with parchment paper.
  • Form cookie balls with hands (about 1-2 inch each) and place on prepared cookie sheet.
  • Flatten each cookie ball until it is about 1/2 inch thick.
  • Use a fork to make criss cross indents on top.
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes
  • Let cool for 5-10 minutes on cookie sheet before removing.
  • ENJOY!!
  • Makes 20-24 cookies


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