Online Grocery Shopping

I think I am way behind the times on this but I MUST tell you all about it! Ordering groceries online and then picking them up that afternoon or next day is the way to go for anyone that is busy, hates grocery shopping or just doesn't want to shop with kiddos in tow (we all know how that can go sometimes).

Since I was 20, I have been living on my own. I have been conquering surviving the grocery store every week since then. I get that I am probably behind the times a bit but I have recently just decided to give online grocery shopping a try. On Monday morning I went to walmart dot com, logged in to my account (super easy to create an account also) and began making my order. This took all of 10 minutes to do. Once I was done, I reviewed my order, put my cc info in and boom, just like that my grocery shopping would be done for the week and it would ready to pick up the next day.

I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to be able to pick it up that afternoon, but being new to this amazing world, I was just excited that I didn't have to go to the store!

Tuesday morning, after dropping off my daughter at school, I received a text saying my order was ready for pick up. I clicked on the app and checked in and updated the color of my car and was on my way to the store. Once you check-in in the app will track your location so that when you pull they come right out with your groceries.

I pulled up and backed into a reserved online pick-up spot, the woman who did my shopping for me came out, confirmed my order, went over any items that were out of stock and/or were replaced with a different but similar item. I got to say whether or not I wanted the replacement item and then she loaded my groceries into my car, had me sign for them and I was back on the road on my way home. Now only if I could bring her home to unload them and put them away too....lazy. HaHaHa

It was really that simple.

I asked about tipping but the employees are directed not to accept tips and ask that you just fill out the survey that is sent to you after the order is completed.

I would love to hear about your experience with online grocery ordering if you have a one. 

Blissfully Fit Mama

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